Friday, April 5

what's in my bag [abridged]

I ordered some envelope bags/purses/11" laptop sleeves, whatever you may for my store stock and I absolutely fell in love with the yellow one!  Haha.  Anyhow, I don't have an 11" laptop anymore (it's 13" now) so it won't fit, but I have been using it for small things.. it's hard  for me to "travel light" even if it's just around the city.  So these are my essentials, however I may do a bigger post for a different style bag in the future :) [starting from top left, over, and down to bottom left]

  1. Passport & Passport case.  My passport is my only form of ID! :(  It's taken a bit to get used to.  People regard me with the same look they'd use on a foreign exchange student.
  2. Knife.  Self explanatory.  I'm not about to get robbed.  If a situation like that were to occur, I'd rob the perp right back. c;
  3. Maybelline Baby Lips in my favorite bottle color (purple, of course) and lip shade.  It's peach flavored and goes on like a light shimmer that lasts.
  4. Pink rose compact mirror.
  5. Cigs & lighter.  
  6. My beautiful Urban Outfitters heart shaped gold accent turnlock wallet.  It's so spacious-the front compartment holds all my coupons :D  Coupons are an addiction for me. Ever seen the show Extreme Couponing?  It motivates me for life like nothing else.


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