Wednesday, October 23


feeling ~ flamboyant ~

feeling ~ flamboyant ~ by lavagrantbelle 

My dream outfit no matter what weather-all I have to do is have a pair of tights on hand to allow for easy flakiness in my decision making ;).

Outerwear Across the Country This Winter

Outerwear Across the Country This Winter by lavagrantbelle

Those in California never have to worry about bundling up, and if it gets a little bit cold where you are just throw on a (hopefully) THRIFTED denim jacket and with your favorite patches, & of course, if you're in the cold, so-uptight-its-like-the-city-gets-a-facelift everyday city of, say, New York-you want your red fur with your favorite scarlet MAC shade and pearls to tone down the bloody look.

LETS NOT FORGET LEATHER AND FUR ARE ALWAYS IN, if you're not a naked PETA protestor getting frostbite because animals are already dead and can't be revived (DONT GET ME WRONG I DO NOT LIKE THE MURDER OF ANYTHING!), and if you understand, deep down, that wearing the flesh of cold blooded animals is truly the warmest way to be during these next few months of ice, seasonal depression, pumpkin flavored Starbucks, credit card debt, flushed cheeks, radiators, and snow. Some practicalities can never be thrown away.

However if you're lucky like whoever the hell lives in California you can just let the cooled down breeze flow through your kimono >>.<<


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