the surreality we live in can often be mistook for reality but don't confuse yourself, just remember you have only one life, only, even if you believe in reincarnation, you are who are you now and you are who you are to the people around you but you shouldn't give a fuck
you should get aspire to scale walls and make things and beauty out of nothing and wear yellow and eat whatever you want and smoke whatever you want (really) because it's what you want to do and either way someone is going to be unhappy. as long as it's not you, you can stay pretty, confident, and full of life every afternoon you wake up. all that matters is happiness and being a truly good person-one who can distinguish the gradients between grey areas and make the right decisions regarding those you love, and if you feel like leaving a mark on this well trodden on world you can but realize,
that's not the point.
quit waiting for some shit that just won't occur
smile even when you're feeling black and white because thats still iconic
sometimes love is leaving for a while to sell watches and figure out who you are without the pressure of the monotonous list of life, you know, graduating high school, college for something you probably dont care about because you can't afford what you do care about, getting married, having a baby, watching a child grow for eighteen years, realizing you're old when they're gone, and you can no longer scale walls and wear yellow because you never had it in you in your youth so why would you get the urge in middle age? you have to find a spirit if you don't have one and steal it. remember, wear yellow because everyone notices pretty colors. and wear yellow if you want to blend in because you're always beautiful, anyway, so who would notice any sort of change.
- BELT : thrifted; Goodwill
- BAG:
- PINS: Anna Sui, thrifted; Goodwill
- SANDALS: Jeffrey Campbell; eBay
- WATCH: oui bee watches;
- HAIR BOW: american apparel
p.s. wondering why this post and everything about today was analog themed?
go get some OUI BEE deadstock watches (will come with working batteries and beautiful packaging) in any color to match any outfit !
they will sell fast it's spring they match my Marc Jacobs Daisy
perfumes :p
Your dress is quite cute. The watches are pretty as well.
Perfect blend of black and color. And your hair's looking great.