Tuesday, October 30

shot me down

Hi again, I decided to not pick either of the graffiti title banners I made for my blog simply because so many colors and patterns automatically clash with any fashion blog, even a monochromatic one.

The new banner idea was quickly inspired by this quick photo I took while testing my Photo Booth's extra effects I downloaded last year.  In this picture I'm deciding I never want to webcam not using the effect "Sharpen" ever again and trying to show the importance of eyebrow visibility while wearing sunglasses (even if a lot of effort is made physically in order to raise them that high).  These glasses are super unique and I love them dearly... snag yourself a pair

(click on pic to buy they're like $5 or less)

My ripped jeans are the shit it's crazy how for months I couldn't find any online but randomly one day while bored at the mall I strolled into Pac Sun and they were the first thing I saw. love at first sight

 ugh I want to start tweeting more (if you want to see if my attempts work, follow @lavagrantbelle), maybe if I just start tweeting Instagram shopping finds to  start... I just love how useful my iPhone 4 (not s, just  plain 4) continues to be and how all the App Store  apps continue to make my life fun and easier to blend  my social networks together all on my phone which I have with  me always obviously =).  I might be a little addicted to it... but my new LifeProof case is actuallly making  me use it less - don't get me wrong its a great waterproof case well worth the discounted under $50 (with Amazon free super saver shipping! :) price tag,  BTW if you ever need to find items to fill up a $5-10 gap to get free super saver shipping on Amazon simply check out my Pinterest board I created just for that reason. )I got it off Amazon (first thing I did was shower with my phone upon installation and gaining pleasure from running water on it safely >:D) - however, there is a tiny gap between the plastic screen protector sealed to the front of the case to make it watertight rendering my almost 2 years of speed typing iPhone practice a little useless but I'm getting used to it. 

look out for Romwe within the next few days.. merchandise is gonna be up to 30% off, from November 2nd through the 8th  :)

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