Sunday, December 11

military jacket


This is like the most awkward jacket in the world. (from urban outfitters)  I got it on ebay though, for somewhat cheap last year.  It's never even been cold enough to inconvenience my comfort by wearing it when I was in Pittsburgh, but it's perfect for Bradford.  Its just really padded and has so many different strings to use to make it look fitted. (yes i am wearing grey soffes under haha-i had an oversized sweater on but decided it was too cold to take a winter shot without a coat.  I had really cool bifocal chained dark shades on but they don't really fit my face.

ANYWAY, over break I am completely changing my blogs layout. It's too blah, and I'm tired of double side bars. I'm going to work really hard on this so be excited! Back to studying for finals...

BTW yesterday I bought these really cool makeup removing and face washing wipes (two in one!) I think I'm going to do a review on all the wipes I've ever tried (neutrogena, loreal, garnier brand, and now cvs).  These are the best!


  1. very nice look, love your pantyhose

  2. It has been some time since I visited website with such high quality information. Thank you so much for providing such helpful information. I love your outfit.
