Friday, December 9


Finals are really getting me down.  But I'm going to strive to post looks a lot more frequently, even though I am running out of creative outfits....
The gaussian blur is a little messy because my camera has been taking out of focus pictures, but I will make a gaussian blur tutorial soon.  I'm really excited to start work with youtube, I'm waiting to receive my recent order with, and I will do a review on the quality.  I also want to do makeup reviews and perhaps my photoshop tutorials can be videos? I'm not sure. I find it easier to work with photographs when I'm trying to learn something.
I really need to do something creative with my hair. Perhaps get defined bangs and more dramatic ombre.


  1. I really love your unique sense of style!
    i always enjoy reading your blog ;-)
    xoxo StyleMafia

  2. i love your top! it's so cute!
