Friday, July 6

my galaxy leggings finally came!!!

I literally have been searching for galaxy print tights or leggings for over a year now.... And while blackmilk has some always, this pair from romwe was afforable and they are the most comfortable pair of leggings I have EVER owned. Literally I just want to slither around in them lol

Yay they fit so perfectly :D

This outfit may seem a bit ridiculous when taking into account the 85 degree weather, but I assure you all... I was getting a nice breeze from sitting on this ledge :)

My studded bag is also from romwe, the shoes are Forever 21 (winter collection I guess haha), and the top is vintage and found at Goodwill !

I havent actually used my new beginner DSLR... I mean I've shot photographs numerous times, I just cant get comfortable with self timer without live view.. idk its weird even though I cant see it it helps.  It probably doesnt help that I AM used to a point and shoot with a flip out screen right now :p 

Btw, I have now employed the biggest discount of my Etsy store HISTORY- 35% off for the rest of the month!!!!
I really need to get rid of some of this inventory so I can get more :D

Use the code : JULYSALE 


OH and you can expect a video review of romwe on my youtube channel within the next 2 days.  I promise

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